Each video on TKSST is selected to contribute to a kid-friendly corner on the internet that doesn’t underestimate what children can learn or what they might be interested in. Instead, TKSST surfaces media that’s not made specifically for children, but that can be meaningful to anyone of any age. The Kids Should See This (K-7) - Awesome Science Videos “Not made for kids… but perfect for them”? YES! Frankly, a lot of kid-targeted media is mind-numbingly difficult to watch, often full of simplistic narration, smart-alecky dialogue, or wacky noises. On the Foreground Page we import the flower/butterfly image and erase the background as shown below. On the Background Page we select Transparent Background and a size a bit larger than the flower/butterfly image. To remove the background of the flower/butterfly image, you would need to make that background transparent, and that's what you use the transparent background option in FotoMix for. The image of the flower and butterfly is being displayed on top of the paper background. Transparent backround The figure below is actually a HTML table with a cell which has a sort of paper image background.
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